ThinkTop® V55

Alfa Laval ThinkTop V55 er en slankere, smartere universel sensor- og styreenhed til membranventiler, der anvendes i medicinal- og biotekindustrien samt i fremtidens fødevareindustri. Bygget på den pålidelige Alfa Laval ThinkTop V-serie platform, er denne ventilkontrolenhed betroet af mejeri-, fødevare- og drikkevareproducenter verden over for sin forenklede opsætning, direkte udskiftning og uovertruffen ro i sindet.

ThinkTop V55

En enkelt, gennemtestet membranventilsensor- og styreenhed

  • Ro i sindet – optimer ventilkontrol og øg oppetiden
  • Forenklet opsætning og udskiftning – spar tid og penge med hurtig, intuitiv ventilkonfiguration og udskiftning uden produktionsstop
  • Kompakt og fleksibel – den slankere profil passer ind i trange rum, minimerer installationsfodaftryk og maksimerer anlæggets effektivitet
  • Overvågning og kontrol i realtid – valg af digitale, ASI- og Industry 4.0-baserede IO-Link-kommunikationsplatforme
  • Selvdiagnostisk teknologi – forhindre uplanlagt nedetid ved at overvåge ventilens sundhed og ydeevne

Optimer oppetiden med næste generation af Alfa Lavals ThinkTop V55 ventilsensor- og styreenhed til membranventiler. Den er slankere, smartere og kompatibel med Alfa Lavals membranventiler, hvilket forenkler indkøb, opsætning, drift og vedligeholdelse.

Ubesværet idriftsættelse af nye eller udskiftning af eksisterende kontroltoppe. ThinkTop V55 genkender ventiltypen og størrelsen til hurtig, problemfri installation. Automatisk opsætning tager mindre end et minut, og ekstern liveopsætning tager kun et minut eller to. ThinkTop V55 kan udskiftes uden produktionsstop.

Få adgang til ventilstatus i realtid 24/7 med digitale, ASI 3.0- eller IO-Link-grænseflader. ThinkTop V55 er manipulationssikker og IP66/67/69K-klassificeret, og samtidig er den selvdiagnosticerende, hvilket sikrer pålidelig behandling, kontinuerlig oppetid og højere produktivitet

Discover a new generation of ThinkTop® valve control units

Like the evolutionary Alfa Laval ThinkTop V50 and V70, the Alfa Laval ThinkTop V55 can improve production on your hygienic processing lines, especially those using diaphragm valves. Faster and more intuitive. Smart and adaptable. Durable and reliable. More compact yet with a highly functional design. The Alfa Laval ThinkTop. Rethought. Now for diaphragm valves.

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Our dedicated Global Service Network supports you with parts and expertise, wherever you are, whenever you need it. By ensuring greater uptime, availability and optimization, we help bring you peace of mind, and maximize your return on investment. We can work with you to integrate our services into an Alfa Laval Service Agreement for predictable and worry-free operations.

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Easy-to-access digital service and support

Access the service instruction manual and videos online or get the direct support you need using a convenient QR code located on the Alfa Laval ThinkTop housing.

The slim ThinkTop V55 fits on top of the Alfa Laval DV-ST, Small Single Seat valves and the Vacuum Breaker valve.


Sådan fungerer det

The Alfa Laval ThinkTop V55 simplifies diaphragm valve sensing and control. Installation is fast and intuitive. The auto setup feature automatically recognizes the valve type and dynamically adjusts programming. Alternatively, the live setup feature allows remote programming without dismantling the control head. With support for 0 or 1 solenoid valves, the ThinkTop V55 converts electrical signals into mechanical energy to activate or deactivate the air-operated valve.


Exploit the power of IO-Link

Demand more from your valves with the Alfa Laval ThinkTop IO-Link. The ThinkTop IO-Link enhances communication between your hygienic valves and Industry 4.0 automation systems. The point-to-point IO-Link communication protocol connects sensors and actuators, regardless of fieldbus, to your automation systems. This makes meaningful real-time data easier to capture, store, analyze and act upon.


  • Enhanced flexibility which lets you change data parameters and process data from a remote automation system
  • More uptime and less cost due to 24/7 data monitoring and diagnostics
  • Comprehensive overview of data for timely preventative maintenance and optimized performance
  • Clearly visible LEDs with customizable colours and a 'wink' function that makes it easier to locate a valve from the factory floor

ThinkTop valve control unit IO Link illustration