Our continuous pursuit of innovative cleaning solutions ensures superior protection for your engine, significantly increased uptime and reduced operating costs.
Advanced filtration solutions
Alfa Laval’s automatic, self-cleaning filtration system does more than clean your lube oil and fuel. It can increase the value of your engine, lowering operating costs and providing end users with easier and less frequent maintenance.
Our Eliminator Filter combines self-cleaning filtration with advanced centrifuge technology. The filter manages the full backflush flow to improve cleaning efficiency and promote oil conservation. You won’t need to inventory cartridge filters or dispose of them, which means reduced costs and eliminated liability associated with spilled oil during cartridge change-outs.
Soot management
Modern engines have retarded ignition and higher operating temperatures, resulting in increased soot production, clogged lube oil filters, higher consumption of spare parts and costly replacement of the oil. The Eliminator Filter directs abrasive particles to the centrifuge for removal. Capable of removing particles down to and below 2 μm, the centrifuge cleans the lube oil more efficiently than any bypass filter on the market.
Many engines endure severe conditions typical to the marine, mining, power generation, rail, military, construction, and oil and gas industries. We’ve worked directly with customers and OEMs for decades to meet their increasingly stringent demands for reliable engine protection and oil cleanliness. The Eliminator Filter operates with a very low and continuous oil pressure drop throughout the engine’s life reducing parasitic loading.
Bolts right on
We uniquely design your filter to bolt onto your engine, with little to no modifications. Lightweight and compact, they easily adapt to your specifications and require no external power source.
Sealed oil system
A leading cause of warranty claims on engines is the constant exposure of the oil system to dirt and foreign particles that occurs during regular oil filter change-outs. Our automatic full flow filters are designed to last the life of your engine without the need for service. This provides a sealed oil system and eliminates reliability issues associated with engines fitted with disposal filters.
Take confidence in adopting a solution that meets or exceeds specifications, including burst pressures up to three times those of cartridge filters. This eliminates the need for a bypass of the filter during cold starts, further protecting your engine.