Produktion af fosforsyre
Korrosion, ressourceeffektivitet og overholdelse af miljøregler er blandt de udfordringer, som fosforsyreproducenter møder i dag. Med sin store ekspertise og sit brede udvalg af udstyr og services hjælper Alfa Laval producenterne med at overkomme disse udfordringer. Vores energieffektive systemer , et glimrende valg til våde, termiske processer , reducerer omkostningerne, forbedrer produktkvaliteten og øger indtjeningen.
Optimizing phosphorc acid production processes
Converting raw phosphate ore into phosphoric acid and calcium sulfate dehydrate (gypsum) requires smart handling highly corrosive phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and, during the cooling, aging and evaporation stages, gypsum.
Alfa Laval’s broad range of gasketed plate and spiral heat exchangers increase thermal efficiency while our high-speed separation systems effectively remove impurities, such as gypsum, from process streams.
Boost profits - recycle your energy
Boost profits - recycle your energy:Investments in waste heat recovery are often very profitable. Payback periods are typically less than a year.