Ammonium nitrate production
Maksimering af energieffektiviteten er afgørende for succes. Dette kræver stringent styring af temperaturen. Alfa Lavals varmeoverførselsteknologier hjælper ammoniumnitrat-producenterne rundt omkring i verden med at reducere energiomkostningerne og øge produktiviteten.
Alfa Laval has broad expertise, equipment and services to help ammonium nitrate producers increase plant efficiency and productivity.
Producing ammonium nitrate through the neutralization of nitric acid and ammonia gas yields high quantities of steam. Alfa Laval’s flexible and reliable technologies for heat recovery gives plant owners greater freedom to decide where to use different heating or cooling sources in the process because our equipment makes it possible to design duties with a temperature approach as low as 2°C (3.5°F).
For evaporation processes, Alfa Laval can supply a full range of condensors and evaporators to meet the requirements of virtually any operating temperature as well as turnkey evaporation systems for recovering valuable ammonium nitrate product from wastewater streams.