Produktion af bioethanol
Ethanol is a renewable fuel derived mainly from sugar or starch crops. In recent years, however, some ethanol production plants have begun to use biomass (cellulosic fibres). Alfa Laval supplies innovative technologies for every phase of grain-based processing, sugar-based processing as well as ethanol production based on cellulosic raw fibre. Used as a renewable pure fuel or gasoline additive, ethanol increases octane and reduces emissions.
Process knowledge
Alfa Laval has many years of experience with biofuels and ethanol production. We have unrivalled expertise and a well-proven track record in delivering energy-efficient, financially rewarding solutions to the ethanol industry.
Alfa Laval’s comprehensive product portfolio means we are able to help you with separation duties of all kinds, including yeast separation, stillage separation and corn oil recovery.
We can advise you on all aspects of heat transfer and recovery, as well as helping you optimize your process with a focus on cutting back on energy consumption.