Fangst- og lagring af kulstof

CO2-opsamling og -lagring til efterbrænding er én måde, som kulbaserede kraftværker kan benytte, til at opnå betydelige emissionsreduktioner. Men opsamling af CO2 fra røggas er en energi krævende proces. Alfa Lavals gennemtestede, højeffektive opvarmnings- og kølingsteknologier spiller en central rolle med hensyn til reduktion af energiforbruget.

carbon capture utilization storage hero image web

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions

Post-combustion capture of carbon dioxide from flue gases at fossil-fuel power plants helps achieve significant reductions in emissions to the atmosphere.

Alfa Laval has a broad portfolio of plate heat exchangers to meet the demands of this energy-intensive process. The result is high energy recovery at the lean/rich interchanger, where most of the heat recovery in the capture process takes place. Moreover, Alfa Laval AlfaVap semi-welded heat exchanger and Compabloc welded heat exchangers are a good fit in the stripper reboiler and condenser positions, respectively.

Process overview